Miyata’s frames manufactured in Japan since 1972 have been stamped with a serial number, the first letter of which indicates the year of production.
1972-1984: Yxxxxxx, where A = 1972, B= 1973,….M= 1984.
Univega Serial Number Year Guide
1985-1989: YFxxxxx, where N=1985, O = 1986,…S=1990.
The lettered stickers/decals are thought to be inspection stickers.
We've made bikes our business for over 40 years. Assembled with pride in the USA, go no further to seek principle and commitment in business. All the while, meeting robust practicality and beautiful form in design. Our price tag is something to talk about, too. Ride USA, Ride Univega.
- Apr 4, 2018 - Farmall Cub Serial Number Year Univega Serial Number Database. While frame serial numbers are the preferrred method of dating bicycles. Nov 13, 2011 - 6 minRegistering a bike requires you to know its serial number. But do you know how to.
- Serial Number: Frame Detail: Year: Added By: M9B 25973: Univega Supra Sport: 1984: SR Brand Information (click to expand) Models: Univega marketed road and touring bicycles and later, also mountain bikes. Models include: Activa, Activa 200, Activa.
- Univega Serial Number Year Guide Toby: The Secret Mine Is your biggest dream to move to china and program cheap electronic devices? However you now get the chance to play a video game where you do just that. Shenzhen I/O is a programming puzzle game created by Zachatronics where you solve puzzles through programming assembler.
1982 Team Miyata J784969
J = Build year 1981 [Model year 1982]
784969 = Build number
1983 Aero Miyata K955434
K = Build year 1982 [Model year 1983]
955434 = Build number
1984 Miyata 1000 M272921
M = Build year 1984
272921 Build number
Some Miyata serial numbers had two line serial number. These models were manufactured by Dodsun of Taiwan.
Miyata entered a manufacturing contract with them around late 1986. Dodsun made the entry level Victor, Triton and Nimbus models in 1987. (Martin, T. 2020 Bike Forums)
An example of this serial number is below:
D S 7 1
The subject bicycle was manufactured by Dodsun of Taiwan in December 1987, making it a 1988 model. (Martin, T. 2020 Bike Forums)

The first line of the serial number will 4 characters, widly spaced. The first two characters will be “D” and “S” for Dod Sun. The next character will be a number for the year of manufacture of the frame, probably “9”, “0”, or “1”. The last character will be a number “0” or “1”, the tens column of the number for the month that the frame was made.
The ones column for the month is the first character of the second line. The rest of the characters are numbers.
Another way of narrowing in on the year of manfacturing is if the model number on the top tube is either printed in numeric form or written out. Early on Miyata models carried numeric names (e.g., Miyata 710). By the late 1970s Miyata began using the same names, writing out the numeric names (e.g., Miyata Seven Ten)
Univega Serial Numbers
There were also different model sub-catagories, for example, there was a 110SP and a plain 110. The main differences between the two were the 110SP had aluminum rims and a self centering device on the Dia-Compe 500 brake calipers.
Univega Serial Number Year Guide Manual
The original price of the 1982 model 110SP was $198 US, while the standard 110 was $175 US.