DEmul is a Dreamcast emulator that takes over from Chankast, another application to run Dreamcast games on PC which has now been abandoned.
DEmul emulates games not just for Dreamcast, but also for the Atomiswave and NAOMI systems. However you do need a Dreamcast BIOS to use it, and this is not included with the emulator.
For now, DEmul can perfectly emulate over one hundred games including: Marvel VS. Capcom, Crazy Taxi, King of Fighters, Sega GT, Sonic Adventure, Star Wars Demolition, Virtua Fighter 3 and Virtua Tennis 2.
By Álvaro ToledoDEmul emulates games not just for Dreamcast, but also for the Atomiswave and NAOMI systems. However you do need a Dreamcast BIOS to use it, and this is not included with the emulator.
For now, DEmul can perfectly emulate over one hundred games including: Marvel VS. Capcom, Crazy Taxi, King of Fighters, Sega GT, Sonic Adventure, Star Wars Demolition, Virtua Fighter 3 and Virtua Tennis 2.
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